Monday, May 31, 2010

trip to california

mom and dad went to california in april (they are lazy and didn't post for a while) and they met some other kitty's out there.  this is a picture of lola, jenner's family's cat.  i've never met her and she might look a little like me in this photo but she is really a siamese cat.
then when they got back, i missed them so much i climbed in their suit case so they couldn't try to go anywhere else.  its nice to have the whole house to myself but i don't get bonito when they are gone.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Standing Tall

My Tongue is Out!

Check it Out!  How much personality is too much for a little cat?  I've got moods you've never seen from a small mammal before!  This is a picture of me reacting to the conservative backlash against Obama's health care package.  Naw, I'm just just gets stuck that way sometimes!  I like to lick my kitty parent's heads sometimes, only problem is that mom has long hair and it gets stuck in my mouth!

Monday, March 15, 2010


I get around, in addition to spending time at my vacation home on Cape Cod I like to take the occasional weekend getaway.  Here's a picture of me from last fall in the Rangley Lake area.  We had a nice "camp" right on the shore of lake Mooselookmeguntic (that's the lakes real name!)  I'm checking out my dad as he gets ready to toss a line, he didn't catch a darn thing but we had a nice time.  The camp had something like ten beds in it!  I only had time to sleep on eight of them. 

Still Avalaible for Kitty Photo Shoots

I have some openings in my schedule this months, don't delay!  Contact my kitty dad about hiring me for all your cat advertising needs.  BTW, I am aggressive and don't take instruction. 

Tented Again

Hells Yeah

Under the Blanket!!!

I have recently been getting into sleeping under blankets.  It makes me feel all comfy and cozy and I can get some un-interrupted sleep, hey a girl needs her beauty rest!  Above is a picture of me sleeping between my dad's feet.  He's the best at making kitty tents out of blankets.  Note how he employees his toes to provide maximum kitty clearance.  I can sleep like this all day if no one interrupts me, I mean literally all day.  Last week I got into a kitty tent at about 9:30am and didn't come out until mom got home at about 7pm.  To the right is a picture of me from that day.  Note the sleepy face.  Oh, and thanks a lot dad for jamming the camera under the blanket and using the flash!  Thanks to you I only got 21 hours of sleep that day.  He got his when I decided to sprint up and down the hall at 2am!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thanks for the kitty bed Grandpa Peter!

Here I am lounging in my new kitty bed.  Every day like this?  Thanks to my kitty grandpa for this awesome holiday gift! (I'm part Jewish and part secular humanist/kittyist if your curious.)  Good story here, so I was on the Cape for the holidays and Grandpa tried to pick me up and put me in my new bed, so I hissed at him.  Yeah, I'm a total bitch, I only let my mom and dad pick me up...I know its hard to believe looking at my cute face and all but I will totally claw your eyeballs out.

Why does fresh Laundry smell so good?

Its just so warm and comfy!

A Late Winters day here in Portland

Here is a recent picture of me enjoying the afternoon sun.  Note the fern to my right, I like to eat the fern to compliment my diet of dry and wet food and bonito flakes.  Its important to get some fiber in one's diet.  I am looking forward to the weather getting warmer.  When its nice outside the windows are open and I can sit in the window and make strange noises at pigeons and sea gulls!  

Sometimes I have a tough life...

So I get some rest while I I am back in "The 'Have" before we moved to Maine...

An Artsy Photo of me!

Please feel free to contact my mommy and daddy about hiring me as a kitty model.
My rates are $3000 for a half day or $5000 for a whole days photo shoot.  As you can see I am "utterly" adorable.  Anyone who uses images of me without my consent will hear from my intellectual properties lawyer!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How I'm Livin'

Here is a picture of me at my vacation home on Cape Cod!  Well truth be told its actually Seth's dad's house...but its like a vacation home to me.  I love running up and down the stairs and looking out the windows at all the birds.  Seth's dad and his girlfriend love to spoil me when I visit so I get lots of presents and extra wet food! There are also a ton of beds and couches for me to sleep on.  The only tough part is the drive to get there. 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why I am a CaT named CoW

So, you might be wondering, how would a cat get a name like Cow?  Well, when Seth and Jenner first became my humans Jenner thought I looked like a little black and white Jersey cow.  You be the judge?

Post Surgery

I guess Mom and Dad don't want me to be a teen mom!

How I met my mommy and daddy

I was born on the roof of an Italian restaurant called Tony and Lucille's in the Wooster Square neighborhood of New Haven, CT. New Haven is a rough town period and Wooster Square is one of the roughest for cats, so I come from humble beginnings. Despite being a racist bastard, Tony was pretty tolerant of my mom and her multiple litters. He fed us scraps and called me "Snowball" even though I am clearly a black and white kitty.
Once I was old enough to venture off the roof, I met a venerable old cat named One-eye. As you can guess from his name, he only had one eye and he had a drooling problem. I started following him around and explored outside the parking lot of the restaurant. On the other side of the fence was the apartment building of Seth and Jenner. Seth and Jenner are "cat people," though they didn't have a cat of their own at this time. They would feed some of us feral cats from the hood.
One-eye and I really appreciated the cat food they would leave in the driveway for us. We started living in this little shed behind the building filled with wood scraps and other crap. Seth enjoyed feeding the cats around the way but none of the other cats would let Seth near them. But I'm a brave cat and he seemed like an nice guy. One-eye had a good sense about Seth too and thought it would be a good idea for me to try to have a family. One-eye wanted a better life for me then he had on the mean streets.
Taking One-eye's advice I jumped into Seth's arms one day! He was very happy and I had a feeling that we would become friends. A couple of days later Seth opened the front door for me and encouraged me to go into his apartment. I was a little scared but I remembered One-eye's words. So I ran in door and up a flight of stairs and when I peeked around the corner I saw Jenner laying on the couch. After that they were my humans. For a while I would play outside during the day and I would see One-eye in drive way. But one day, One-eye was gone. I guess he felt like I was going to be taken care of and it was time for him to move on. I will always remember One-eye as the cat that got me adopted by a nice family.